KANBrief 4/09
What does the abbreviation “GDS“ stand for? What exactly is a “formal objection“? Is the application of standards mandatory? Test your knowledge of standardization in our quiz. The solutions can be found under “In brief“ on Page 22.
1. What is meant by the “presumption of conformity“?
a) If a product is manufactured in accordance with a harmonized standard the reference of which has been published in the Official Journal of the EU, the product is assumed to satisfy the essential requirements of a Single Market directive which are addressed in the standard concerned
b) The standard is presumed to refl ect the state of the art
c) A standard can be applied as soon as it is anticipated that it will be adopted by a unanimous vote
2. How often must a standard be reviewed?
a) Every three years
b) Every five years
c) Only when an application for review is submitted
3. What is a harmonized standard?
a) A standard developed in response to a mandate from the European Commission
b) A standard which is also available in English and which applies throughout the world
c) A standard which has the approval of all stakeholders
4. What is a formal objection?
a) An objection raised by an EU Member State with the objective of withdrawing the presumption of conformity to which a harmonized standard gives rise in whole or part
b) A complaints procedure at CEN
c) An e-mail form for the submission of comments
5. What is the legal status of a standard?
a) Its application is mandatory
b) Its application is voluntary
6. What is “NoRA“?
a) A German acronym for the standardization and regulatory committee of the German regional governments
b) The National Occupational Research Agenda
c) An Internet search tool for standards relating to occupational safety and health
7. What does the abbreviation “GDS“ stand for?
a) Gemeinsame Deutsche Arbeitsschutz-Strategie (Joint German OSH Strategy)
b) Gemeinsamer Deutscher Standpunkt (German Consensus Statement)
c) General Design Specification
8. In the context of standardization, what is a “block vote“?
a) All national standards organizations vote in the same way
b) Only certain bodies are permitted to vote on a standard
c) A stakeholder group with an essential interest in standardization (such as the occupational safety and health lobby) casts a collective vote in a standards committee
9. What does the abbreviation UAP mean in the context of a standardization procedure?
a) Principles of standardization work: Usability, Accuracy, Professionalism
b) A fast-track procedure for the adoption of European Standards: Unique Acceptance Procedure
c) Access to standards free of charge: Universal Availability of Publications
10. What are DIN SPECs?
a) All standardization products that are not conventional, consensus-based standards have been grouped by DIN under the “DIN SPEC“ heading
b) DIN SPECs are European or international documents speculated to be adopted by DIN
c) DIN SPECs are special documents in which the emphasis lies upon occupational safety and health
11. What do ASI, BDS and ASRO stand for?
a) European associations for safety technology
b) National standards institutes
c) Machine emissions limit values
12. How long does the public enquiry stage last for draft standards at CEN?
a) Five months
b) Between two and seven months, depending upon the standard‘s number of pages
c) Between three and six months, depending upon the number of countries involved
13. What is EUROSHNET?
a) A system for classifying European standards according to subject area
b) An internet portal of the European Commission on the subject of standardization
c) A European network of occupational safety and health experts in standardization, testing/certifi cation and research
14. What are the consequences when a harmonized standard is withdrawn?
a) The standard retains its validity until it is replaced by another standard
b) The standard loses its status as a harmonized standard and ceases to give rise to a presumption of conformity
c) The standard is no longer valid, and is marked in the body of standards as having been withdrawn