
The distribution and commissioning of fire-extinguishing facilities is generally subject to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 305/2011 governing construction products and Directive 2014/68/EU on pressure equipment.

KAN's essential concern is to point out to standards committees that requirements concerning testing, installation and maintenance may be included in standards and fulfil their purpose only where they are addressed in the first instance to manufacturers and distributors as requirements for instruction handbooks.

It is furthermore in the interest of occupational health and safety to support product-integrated fire protection - for example in machinery/plants - as an efficient and rapid measure of fire-fighting at source.

Do you have any questions on this topic, or need support? If so, please contact Michael Robert.

Integral product explosion protection

Integral product explosion protection is governed by directive 2014/34/EU, “Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres”. Products may be distributed only if they comply with the essential safety requirements detailed in Annex II of this directive.

In co-operation with OH&S experts, KAN calls for the essential safety requirements of the directive are adequately formulated in the existing European and international standards and draft standards.

Explosion protection in the context of health and safety at the workplace

Directive 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137) governs the health and safety of workers at the workplace and is transposed into national law by the (German) Workplace Safety Regulations (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung) and the (German) Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (Gefahrstoffverordnung). At European level, a guide exists for directive 1999/92/EC which facilitates its application. From the perspective of occupational health and safety, the criteria laid down in the Policy paper (pdf) regarding provisions within the sphere of health and safety at the workplace in standards, in accordance with the European legislative principles, are also to apply to the sphere of explosion protection. In co-operation with OH&S experts, KAN reviews whether the European and international standards and draft standards existing in this area fulfil this requirement.

Do you have any questions on this topic, or need support? If so, please contact Corrado Mattiuzzo.