KANBrief 1/24
KAN has updated and extended the German version of its lecture modules on ergonomics. The slide sets are now optimized for accessibility, and a podcast series has been added to the free resources. The English version will be updated in the coming months.
Ergonomics is the scientific discipline describing the interaction between human beings and their working environment, including their work equipment. It encompasses the design of products, product details, workstations and complex work systems, against criteria which are determined by human characteristics and performance conditions. Its objective is to enhance human well-being and the performance of the system as a whole. The human operator should be the yardstick for the product rather than having to adapt to it.
Users appreciate, whether consciously or unconsciously, the benefits of safe, healthy and comfortable design and user-friendly operation. This is evident from everyday products such as cars, kitchens, mobile phones, tablet PCs, airliner seats or lawnmowers. Usability is also an important criterion for the decisions taken by companies when purchasing work equipment, since a machine that is well adapted to its human operator can reduce the physical stress, resulting in fewer absences from work and shorter processing times. Consequently, it can make the production process more cost-efficient.
Where products are designed for human beings, it is therefore important for ergonomics to be considered from the outset and the content of ergonomics standards implemented during the design process. However, designer training often pays insufficient attention to ergonomics expertise, despite the need for machinery and work equipment to be designed in a way that permits safe and healthy work. Ideally, knowledge of ergonomics and the relevant standards should be a firm part of designers’ training and academic study.
As early as 2008, KAN began supporting teaching staff by producing lecture modules on ergonomics. These have now been updated once again. The modules include an overview of ergonomics in general. Their focus lies on machinery and plant construction; much of the content can, however, be applied to other sectors. In particular, they frequently make reference to ergonomics standards.
Teaching staff can draw on some or all of the eight modules for their courses. The content can also be used in private study. The resource includes descriptions of the modules, over 500 Powerpoint slides with lecturers’ notes, bibliographies and exercises. As an additional service for teaching staff, KAN offers examination questions with sample solutions, which are available from KAN on request.
The slides’ accessibility has been improved, and the module structure has been modified to increase the usability further. A particular highlight of the update are the KANPraxis podcast episodes: you can now simply listen to the contents of individual modules (in German). The KANPraxis podcast can be found on the website at https://ergonomie.kan-praxis.de and on all major podcast platforms.
Katharina von Rymon Lipinski