Memorandum of understanding planned between KAN and ETUC

Öffnet die Detailseite KAN und ETUC planen Memorandum of Understanding ©

The Permanent committee on standardisation of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), representatives of KAN, and other invited individuals met in Dresden on 11 June 2019 to discuss improved strategies for participation in standards development.

A memorandum of understanding is to outline the ETUC‘s approach with respect to occupational safety and health in the future, and to consolidate cooperation between KAN‘s employee representation and the ETUC.

The standardization landscape has changed considerably over the last 20 years. National standardization activities are taking a back seat to those at European and international level. The standardization of services is also continuing to expand; it too is increasingly moving from the national to the international level.

The ETUC is observing developments and intends to work more closely with KAN‘s employee representation in this area in the future. The ETUC‘s Permanent committee on standardisation will discuss the draft of the memorandum at its session in October 2019, and develop it further. The memorandum is to be adopted by the end of 2019.