KAN position paper on lighting updated

KAN-Veröffentlichung ©KAN

KAN has updated its position paper on the consideration of non-visual effects of lighting in standardization. The new version is now available for download.

The update was prompted by the revision of the DIN SPEC 67600 technical report, which was republished in August 2022 as Technical Specification DIN/TS 67600, Complementary criteria for lighting design and lighting application with regard to nonvisual effects of light. The original document contained detailed planning recommendations concerning the nonvisual effects of light. These requirements, which were criticized by KAN, have now been reformulated as cause and effect relationships. The document no longer contains any requirements and in the view of the OSH lobby can therefore be used as a source of information.

KAN position paper "Consideration of non-visual effects of lighing in standardization" (pdf)