A new look for the KANBrief

Cover page of KANBrief 1/21 © Surasak – stock.adobe.com/KAN

The KANBrief begins the new year with a fresh new layout and a new, clearer structure.

As before, you can expect news on KAN’s activities and a wide range of topics relating to occupational safety and health and standardization in Germany and Europe.

The print version of the KANBrief is published quarterly in German, English and French. What is new in the revised layout is that the indidvidual languages are arranged consecutively instead of alternately. 

KANBrief 1/2021, trilingual print version (pdf)
KANBrief 1/2021, German (pdf)
KANBrief 1/2021, English (pdf)
KANBrief 1/2021, French (pdf)

You can subscribe to the print version of KANBrief or to the electronic KANMail, which provides regular news on occupational safety and health and standardization.  
KANBrief and KANMail subscription