75 kg: the measure of all things?

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Standards governing many products, such as lifts, water craft and products for pa­tient transport, state 75 kg as the average value for the weight of the human body.

Recent surveys show that this value no longer represents a realistic average. One such survey is the DEGS1 study conducted by the RKI (www.degs-studie.de), which reveals an average value of 85.2 kg for adult males.

Amending fundamental values may result in comprehensive modifications to products being required. Despite this, the view of the occupational safety and health lobby is that standardization work must draw upon recent available anthropometric data, since weight load almost always has a bearing upon safety. KAN will therefore address this topic and begin by instigating study of what weights are stated in which standards. It will then lobby for these values to be brought into line with realistic values.

Have you noticed a standard stating weights of 75 kg or lower? If so, please inform us at info@kan.de