KANBrief 1/14
KAN has revamped its website: www.kan.de now has a more up-to-date design and a new structure. Why? Because websites must also keep pace with the state of the art – just like standards. Our online content now arrives on your computer or smartphone in much more user-friendly form than before.
In accordance with the principle that "all roads lead to Rome", the new design takes account of differences in user behaviour. Information is accessible not only through the main menu structure, but also through numerous cross-links, and through the new search function. A further new feature is that the page display is adjusted automatically according to whether you are viewing the site on a PC, smartphone or tablet.
The familiar and proven content is all still available; the only difference is that it may now be found in different places within the menu structure. For example, there is now a dedicated menu item for basic information on standardization and the scope for influencing standards: "Standardization – Key facts & documents". We have also considerably extended our web presence: besides practical aspects such as the improved search function, we are now placing a greater emphasis upon our services. For example, we will be reporting on events, papers and recent discussions relating to standardization which we have attended. And on each page you can find the name of the relevant contact at the KAN Secretariat, together with more detailed information.
At the top of the list: the KANBrief and KAN studies
Our statistical analyses show the KANBrief and the KAN studies to be very popular with our online visitors. The latest edition of each of these publications can therefore now be called up directly from the KAN home page. The full range of KAN publications can be accessed as before from the main menu.
KANBrief articles can now be read directly, without first having to be downloaded as files. The advantage here is that further information on the subject of the article can be displayed on the same page. The full issue of the KANBrief is available free of charge as a PDF file, as before.
He who seeks, finds
A new and powerful search function delivers the information you are looking for quickly and without fuss. The search term input has an auto- complete feature. A range of filters enable you to tailor the search to your requirements. A further new feature is that hits are also displayed from other KAN products, such as the NoRA standards search tool and the ergonomics tuition modules for the training of designers.
Everything under one roof! New: KAN Praxis
KAN is notable for its range of services geared to day-to-day application. These have now all been placed visibly under the KAN umbrella and grouped under the "KAN Praxis" (KAN in the field) brand. Examples include the NoRA standards search tool, the ergonomics tuition modules, and the new guide to anthropometric data. These services can be found on a yellow tab on the right-hand side of each KAN web page. A further tab takes you to EUROSHNET, the European network for occupational safety and health experts.
Why not take a look around?
We trust that you will like the changes, and we look forward to receiving your feedback. We also invite you to use the new feedback button on the left-hand side of the page.
Ute Assenmacher Katharina von Rymon Lipinski
assenmacher@kan.de vonrymonlipinski@kan.de