Third KAN expert discussion of the design of safe treatment tables

Therapieliege © Frank Herrmann

Following two fatal accidents on treatment tables, KAN organized two expert discussions between the stakeholders (the accident insurance institutions, the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, the German regional authorities, operators of treatment tables, social partners, standards bodies) in 2019 and 2020. Those attending discussed ways of making treatment tables safer. Numerous activities have been launched, and some hurdles have already been overcome.

On 12 October 2023, the stakeholders met once again for a third expert discussion. In the stakeholders’ view, the problems still to be resolved include those of market surveillance, and the retrofitting of existing tables with safety features. For example, what action must an operator take when the manufacturer can no longer be called in? What changes made to the tables by an operator result in the latter being deemed a manufacturer?

The existing national pre-standard is useful for German manufacturers. However, it has no relevance in the European Single Market for medical devices and machinery, and is largely unknown among manufacturers in other countries. For this reason, an explicit call has been issued among European stakeholders, including the CENSector Forum/SF OSH, for participation in the planned European standardization project, which is due to begin shortly in CENELEC TC 62, Electrical equipment in medical practice. KAN will continue to campaign for safe treatment tables and support the development of the European standard.

For more information on treatment tables, listen to episode 17 of the KAN podcast (in German)