New mandate for the “Standardisation” working party

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At the end of November 2023, the European Commission published the revised mandate for the “Standardisation” working party of its Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work. The mandate makes provision for the working party to monitor European and international standardization activities in the sphere of occupational safety and health and to promote the consistency of these standardization activities with the EU legal framework.

The Member States, employers and employees are represented in the working party. This make-up of the working party is intended to prevent standards from conflicting with or contradicting the regulatory competences of the EU, the Member States and the social partners. The working party monitors standardization activity, issues position statements on an ad-hoc basis, and advises and supports the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment on all standardization issues relevant to occupational safety and health. The mandate particularly provides for attention to be paid in future to monitoring the effects of climate change upon occupational safety and health, and specifically the ISO 45007 draft standard, Occupational Health and Safety Management – OH&S risks arising from climate change and climate action.