KAN position paper on lighting updated

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The updated KAN position paper concern­ing consideration in standardization for non-visual effects of lighting was published in October 2019.

Following publication of the KAN literature review, DGUV informative publication 215-220 on non-visual effects of light upon human beings and the recommendations of the ASTA state committee on work premises concerning artificial, biologically effective lighting at work premises, KAN has adjusted its position paper to the latest developments.

The core statements concerning standardization, and above all regarding the status to be accorded to DIN SPEC 67600:2013-04 (technical report), Biologically effective illumination – Design guidelines, which is currently being revised, remain un­changed in the new KAN position paper. The paper is intended to assist assessment of the requirements of DIN SPEC 67600 upon workplace lighting from an occupational safety and health perspective. Since the documents recently published by ASTA, the DGUV and KAN contain information, guidelines and recommendations concern­ing the non-visual effects of light, these aspects have been deleted from the KAN position paper.

Position paper: www.kan.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/Basisdokumente/en/Deu/KAN-Position_nichtvisuelle_Wirkungen_von_Licht_2019-en.pdf