CEN and CENELEC continue to receive advice on occupational safety and health issues

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CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) have set up a number of bodies to advise them on specific areas of standardization or cross-disciplinary ­issues. The Sector Forum OHS (SECT/SF OHS) is an advisory body focusing on occupational safety and health. It provides an excellent opportunity for representatives of occupational safety and health interests to coordinate with experts from a number of European countries and to further the work of the European standards institutes. SECT/SF OHS is currently chaired by the Director of KAN; DIN holds responsibility for the secretariat.

In the course of a review of their structures and processes, CEN and CENELEC have also reviewed all their advisory bodies. One result is that CEN SECT/SF OHS will be transformed into a CEN/CENELEC strategic advisory group with a two-year term. The positive news for occupational safety and health: CEN and CENELEC regard OSH as a strategic issue, and wish to continue to seek advice on it.